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A randomly generated sequence of relational events with 5 actors and 100 events. The event sequence is generated by following a tie-oriented modeling approach (for more information run on console help(topic = remulateTie, package = "remulate") or ?remulate::remulateTie).




tie_data is a list object containing the following objects:


a data.frame with the raw simulated edgelist. The columns of the data.frame are:


the timestamp indicating the time at which each event occurred


the actor that generated the relational event


the actor that received the relational event


the seed value used in remulate::remulateTie() for generating the event sequence

a vector containing the values of the parameters used in the generation of the event sequence


# (1) load the data into the workspace

# (2) process event sequence with \code{remify}
tie_reh <- remify::remify(edgelist = tie_data$edgelist, model = "tie")

# (3) define linear predictor and claculate stastistcs with \code{remstats} package

## linear predictor
tie_model <- ~ 1 + remstats::indegreeSender() + remstats::inertia() + remstats::reciprocity() 

## calculate statistics
tie_reh_stats <- remstats::remstats(reh = tie_reh, tie_effects = tie_model)

# (4) estimate model using method = "MLE" and print out summary

## estimate model 
mle_tie <- remstimate::remstimate(reh = tie_reh, stats = tie_reh_stats, method = "MLE")

## print out a summary of the estimation
#> Relational Event Model (tie oriented) 
#> Call:
#> ~1 + remstats::indegreeSender() + remstats::inertia() + remstats::reciprocity()
#> Coefficients (MLE with interval likelihood):
#>                  Estimate   Std. Err    z value Pr(>|z|) Pr(=0)
#> baseline        -4.910454   0.187555 -26.181372   0.0000 <2e-16
#> indegreeSender   0.043490   0.036449   1.193170   0.2328 0.8307
#> inertia         -0.201506   0.088154  -2.285831   0.0223 0.4231
#> reciprocity     -0.052137   0.098237  -0.530728   0.5956 0.8968
#> Null deviance: 1216.739 on 100 degrees of freedom
#> Residual deviance: 1210.625 on 96 degrees of freedom
#> Chi-square: 6.11449 on 4 degrees of freedom, asymptotic p-value 0.1907597 
#> AIC: 1218.625 AICC: 1219.046 BIC: 1229.045