Specifies the statistic for an "event" effect in the tie-oriented model. An "event" effect refers to an exogenous event attribute that affects the waiting time between events.
The statistic at timepoint t is for all dyads in the risk set equal to the attribute of the event at timepoint t.
# \donttest{
reh_tie <- remify::remify(history, model = "tie")
data(history, package = "remstats")
history$work <- ifelse(history$setting == "work", 1, 0)
effects <- ~ event(x = history$work, variableName = "setting_is_work")
remstats(reh = reh_tie, tie_effects = effects)
#> Error in FUN(X[[i]], ...): Length of vector 'x' in event() does not match number of events in edgelist
# }