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Specifies the statistic for an "average" effect in the tie-oriented model or the receiver choice step of the actor-oriented model. An "average" effect refers to an exogenous actor attribute that affects dyad (i,j)'s rate of interacting (tie-oriented model) or actor j's probability of being chosen as a receiver for the event send by the active sender i at time t (actor-oriented model) based on the average of the values of actors i and j on this attribute.


average(variable, attr_actors = NULL, scaling = c("none", "std"), attr_data)



string with the name of the column in the attr_actors object for which the statistic has to be computed.


optionally, an object of class data.frame that contains the attribute, see 'Details.'


the method for scaling the statistic. Default is to not scale the statistic. Alternatively, standardization of the statistic per time point can be requested with "std".


Deprecated argument. Please use 'attr_actors' instead.


List with all information required by `remstats::remstats()` to compute the statistic.


The statistic at timepoint t for dyad (i,j) is equal to the average of the values of actor i and j on the attribute at timepoint t.

Construct the `attr_actors` object as a data frame where each row represents the attribute value of actor i at timepoint t:

  • name: The actors' name.

  • time: The time when the attribute values change.

  • variable: The third column contains the attribute used in the specification of the "difference" effect. The column name should correspond to the string supplied to the variable argument in the `difference()` function.

Note that it is possible to omit the `attr_actors` object in the call of difference() and, instead, supply it in the call of remstats() for multiple exogenous effects.


reh_tie <- remify::remify(history, model = "tie")
effects <- ~ average("extraversion")
remstats(reh = reh_tie, tie_effects = effects, attr_actors = info)
#> Relational Event Network Statistics
#> > Model: tie-oriented
#> > Computation method: per time point
#> > Dimensions: 115 time points x 90 dyads x 2 statistics
#> > Statistics:
#> 	 >> 1: baseline
#> 	 >> 2: average_extraversion

reh_actor <- remify::remify(history, model = "actor")
remstats(reh = reh_actor, receiver_effects = effects, attr_actors = info)
#> Relational Event Network Statistics
#> > Model: actor-oriented
#> > Computation method: per time point
#> > Sender model: empty
#> > Receiver model:
#> 	 >> Dimensions: 115 events x 10 actors x 1 statistics
#> 	 >> Statistics:
#> 	 	 >>> 1: average_extraversion